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History of Invention

Mrs. Penny Johnson


Inventors and innovative ideas have changed the world! In this semester-long class, we will learn about the people who originated new technology, applications, and ideas which have led to our modern day experience. Many of these inventors were Christians who sought to improve the lives of themselves and others through their imaginations. Others were not Christians, but God still used them to spark a change during particular points in history.


We'll also examine the character traits of inventors and what spurred them on, despite obstacles, to fulfill their goals. Finally, we will discuss and dream together about what ideas and inventions of the future will shape our world tomorrow.



  • Ideas that Changed the World by DK. Used from $5 on Amazon. (

  • 1" binder with notebook paper (or a section in larger binder)

  • Note taking supplies

  • Access to printer and paper for making copies of selected profiles for classmates

  • Each student will have a required project on a biography of an inventor, but those books may be borrowed from the library, already owned or purchased later in the semester.

  • Each student will also have a required project on their own invention or idea for the future and will need supplies and support to prepare a presentation (i.e., PowerPoint, display board, paper report, invention model, etc.)


Ideas that Changed the World.jpg

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